Resources - Gabrian International

Blogs, Case Studies, and White Papers

Blog Posts

On our blog, we provide information on topics such as aluminum extrusion finishing & alloys, extruded heatsinks, and more.

What is the Melting Point of Aluminum, and Why is it Significant?

What is the Melting Point of Aluminum, and Why is it Significant?

When evaluating aluminum for a product application, designers are typically most interested in properties like it’s high strength-to-weight ratio, its corrosion resistance, or even its value as a heat sink. This means aluminum’s melting point can easily be overlooked....

What is Alodine Finish, and How Does it Compare to Anodizing?

What is Alodine Finish, and How Does it Compare to Anodizing?

Aluminum is naturally corrosion-resistant, but when that’s not enough, designers will need to choose a protective aluminum surface finish. Alodining is a popular finishing option for preventing corrosion while still allowing electrical conductivity through the...

Case Study – Contract Manufacturing

Below is a contract manufacturing case study which describes our relationship with a long-time customer.

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White Paper – PCB Procurement

This white paper gives you 7 important questions to ask PCB manufacturers before you work with them.